Multimedia Services Quality Assesment


Multimedia that exists now
Multimedia that exists now

Today, almost every day we will meet with multimedia, well when we are at home watching TV, or on campus while viewing a slide lecture, in the workplace while working with a laptop, and there are many examples. Perhaps there are many who ask what exactly is multimedia. Multimedia is the use of computers for the incorporation of text, images, sound, video, with tools and links, so that we can interact, create and enjoy a variety of multimedia works. In everyday life we sometimes watch the event via streaming on the Internet, such as we watch the ball, usually streaming-quality images from an extremely low compared with those we watch TV through cable or satellite, because the data packets are transferred must be minimized, if not of course be consuming and bandwidth quotas. In the value chain shift video, the quality of the video depends on four things, namely, content creation, aggregation, distribution, and devices.

IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) is a technology that we can watch hundreds of TV channels and video to the TV and PC are connected to the existing data network. The video signal is converted into a data stream that passes through the existing network. In use there are also IP Multicasting, which is used to reduce the network bandwidth. Motivation due to the formation of IPTV application scope expanding, there are many parties in its development, and digital compression is becoming a trend. Digital compression is very important, because if we look at this example: Suppose the video size 720x576 pixels with 25pic/sec need 166Mbit / s or 2600 phone line, it is impossible if dimasalkan general use, so it took a more economical representation but still have to maintain the quality there.

Television in particular multimedia tool many people will be selected based on its quality. In this case there are quality based on quality of service and quality of experience. Quality of service contained in the application and the network services of the services provided, while the quality of the experience is based on the user experience and overall service. Quality of experience in digital television is influenced by the accuracy of the information based on audio and video quality, usability or functionality, response time of an action (not too long and not too fast), the security of user information that wears digital television, and also availability, which user expects the service is always there for 24 hours.

There are 3 areas that can be monitored and evaluated, namely the field of services, where there is an average video quality, start-ups, and system response time; fields of application, where there is a specific video quality, middleware delay, delay encoder and decoder delay ; networking field, where there is packet loss ratio, bit error rate, packet latency, and packet jitter. In addition to the assessment of the quality of service divided by 2 is subjective and objective assessment. In the subjective assessment, there are several kinds of examples of assessment, such as the first Single Stimulus Continuous Quality Evaluation (SSCQE), which subjects the audience will be given the video footage over and over - and over and subjects will be assessed with the slider during repeated video. Second, the Double Stimulus Continuous Quality Scale (DSCQS), where the viewer will be given a video show for 10 seconds, then give grade for the video (seen from the quality), and gradenya (seen from the quality) as A, B, C, D, E . While the objective assessment without involving the subject panel audience, can be run more easily and quickly, and the results of the assessment can be incorporated into the encoder for bit rate and quality optimization. In the subjective assessment are many things that affect the subject of audience ratings, such as feelings, health, delay - user response time, because it takes time from the eye to the brain to make an assessment, and also lack in decision making. However television has a long history in the making until now, and the current television can not be separated from the quality assessment conducted by various parties, so that the quality of multimedia in TV and other media the better. Now it's time for us all to be able to contribute in technology development, including the development of multimedia.

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