Magic Memory System! - It's important how memory work!


Many Memories that Stored in Human's Brain
Many Memories that Stored in Human's Brain

Human brain is the most amazing thing ever, in which there are a gazillion brain cells. The human brain regulates all functions of our body, walking, talking, remembering, feeling happy and sad, and all the other things. According to research by experts, at this time we only use less than 1% of our brain capacity. Surely we can not imagine what would happen if we put 100% of our brain capacity. The human brain is divided into two, the left brain and right brain. The left brain governs logic, memory, number, sequence, whereas the right brain governs the rhythm, awareness, daydreaming, color, etc.. Judging from the structure, the human brain consists of 3 parts, the brain stem, limbic brain, and neokortek. Each - each part has a different function, but they have to work together so that people can work normally.

Looking at the above facts, ditelitilah variety of experiments to boost brainpower. Magic Memory System present here and this is a method to improve the ability of our brain. In Magic Memory itself is divided into 5 methods again, the Magic Story, Magic Mnemonic, Magic Location, Magic Number, Magic Sentences. Magic Story is the most basic method among other methods. This method uses samples of a few words, and to remember all these things if only they invented a story that connects with the second last one until the end. The second method, namely Mnemonic, used as we are new to the word - a new word, we use a mnemonic to remember it from the new word (plesetannya) to be more easily remembered. Third, Magic Locatio, is a method to remember things by connecting them to a specific location, eg location at hand. This method is the easiest method if we can place in accordance with the specific location. Fourth, Magic Number, this is a very powerful method if we want to remember the numbers above 6 digit number. These methods presuppose a number with a letter, eg 1 is A, 2 is B, so to figure 12 we can make it to ashes. The latter method is Magic Sentence. This method is very useful when we memorize a few sentences - short sentences. As an example, for example, we memorize traits - traits binatan mammals. Of traits - traits that exist can we make a sentence so that we can easily memorize. Magic Memory Systems above method can train your memory, creativity, and of course the ability of our brain to be more maximized.

God has given us grace to give us the ability to think through the brain, we can see that the function has made civilization, technology, sophistication that is like these days. We must always train our brain so that the brain is able to function as it should, not to old yet, we've forgetful, thinking so long. It was all due to lack of exercise and lack of brain usage in every activity our brain. Thus the method above would Magic Memory System can help us to keep our brains are always quickly catching, creative thinking, and certainly good at remembering. One more thing, always it's never too late, so do not be afraid or lazy to try.

Thanks again for read, hope this article give another opinion and information to all of us! Regards!!

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