Magic Memory System! - It's important how memory work!


Many Memories that Stored in Human's Brain
Many Memories that Stored in Human's Brain

Human brain is the most amazing thing ever, in which there are a gazillion brain cells. The human brain regulates all functions of our body, walking, talking, remembering, feeling happy and sad, and all the other things. According to research by experts, at this time we only use less than 1% of our brain capacity. Surely we can not imagine what would happen if we put 100% of our brain capacity. The human brain is divided into two, the left brain and right brain. The left brain governs logic, memory, number, sequence, whereas the right brain governs the rhythm, awareness, daydreaming, color, etc.. Judging from the structure, the human brain consists of 3 parts, the brain stem, limbic brain, and neokortek. Each - each part has a different function, but they have to work together so that people can work normally.

Exercise PHP - 2


We continue to our next excercise. We have learn that PHP can do many things with website. We can display looping text as much as we want, we can change the text that want to display, and we can stop looping, and many more. The excercise below will display us how to learn looping text, stop it, and change the last text.
First look at the code below.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">

<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<title>Looping and Break</title>

Beautiful Information - How cool is information!


Information Sharing
Information Sharing

Again this is my article from my second year college. This is about information that exist in all of us!

Today's world is filled with a variety of new media in the visual field, for example with a laptop, tablet, phone, etc.. Currently all of the information has also been changed, where previously we were busy looking for information, but now it is reversed, that the information would be looking for us. It can be seen by the amount of information, especially on the internet. Technological developments in the visual field is very fast, could be seen with the colored tv, tv that used only black - white. This is because humans are much more like the real thing. With a design that is a combination of art and science, will make the world a better place.

