Biometric Technology


Fingerprint Technology
Fingerprint Technology
Humans evolved and evolved from the stone age before, until now. Many things change in human development, including technology. If a few years ago, people still have to use a key to the security of goods, houses, etc., use a pin number that may be forgotten, and so forth, now comes a new technology called Biometric Technology. Own notion is Biometric Technology is a technology that uses human body parts that can describe a person. This technology provides ease and accuracy as well as better security than previous security technologies. Examples of these technologies are fingerprint, face recognition, and retina-sensor. This technology is now widely used, both in schools, universities, malls, workplaces, banks, hospitals, etc..

The system itself works as follows: on the Sensor Module -> go to Quality Assessment -> then checked in Matching and Decision Making -> and checked again in the System Database Module. Look of the excess, Biometric Technology has 7 factors that could adjust everyone, that is owned by everyone, unique, permanent, can be acquired easily, a good degree of accuracy, acceptability, circumvention. Generally, the body parts used in Biometric Technology is the retina, fingerprint because these were a unique part of the body, every human being is different, and the possibility of minor changes.

In its application, Biometric Technology uses several algorithms basis, ie, based on the line, based on appearance, texture-based, and based Minutae Point. In addition there are problems in Biometric Technology, the False Rejection, where the user is rejected because the system there is a match between the system users tested, with the existing data in the system, the second False Acceptance, unregistered users can log into the system, due to wrong system match the existing data with the user, last Error Value, where the error rate is only 5%. Challenges and problems that exist in Biometric Technology with several problems such as: low cost data so that the resolution is also low, Cleanliness system where data acquisition without touching the device, where the large-scale user for the duration of the matching process is very long. Another advantage of Biometric Technology is the presence of profiling, such as the iPad there is a menu profile Father, Mother, Son. Where so dad memegan iPad, then fingerprint sensor fingerprint checks and will only display the menu for the father, for example email, office, web etc.. Similarly, when she holds the IPad, IPad will automatically display the menu mother, and later just for kids menu will display, eg Games menu, so that the child can not see the content of violence, adult content, etc.. In closing, Biometric Technology has advantages in accuracy of data, system security, and ease of use, but still have to be offset by an increase in the accuracy check, eg fingerprint, retina, etc.. The next few years is expected to be increasingly widespread use and can facilitate human needs.

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